Sunday 19 August 2012

Child Workers

Street children were forced to clean machines whilst they were still working. I talked to a factory doctor to see what cases of near death occurred. The childrens  skin and muscles could be stripped to the bone, thats if their hands were caught in the machinery, minor cases, a finger or two lost." And this is children we are talking about. Although, the children didn't just have scraps and etc from machinery, the owner punished them.... YES punished them with whips, I suppose these two cause are pretty cruel. Well these working children only had one meal a day, and that was at dinner. Oat cake was that one dinner. They were hungry so had to eat this awful tasting cake. They never got to see their parents whilst they were working or when they were injured. From 4am to 8pm these children worked, and guess what? They did this for free! So here it is my new post that is very cruel, I'm sure all you guys back home would understand this pain.

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